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Currencies United and Integration Of African Countries
It's indeed an ongoing debate. The diversification of economy is one challenging but conflicting subject itself. People now have shifted their attention to natural resources management, mining oil and gas as the major and triumphant source of income for African countries. The trouble awakens when none of these African countries actually have demonstrated an experience as a best practice in revenue distribution... So, most of economy business opportunities circle around the elites who calls the shots of who gets in or remains out of the system.

By Leopoldino Cantíflas Jerónimo - Reply
6/25/2017 10:51:00 AM
The debate about integration, however, has been mostly cantered on the political dimensions. Africa has broken the cycle of hopelessness and has whittled for itself an optimistic future through rapid and strong economic growth since the start of the century. Time has come to move to a more technical debate and focus, partly to give credence to such noble political ideals, but also because the speed of global transformation will not await, much more, for late comers. Accelerating the pace of and achieving structural transformation remains the bigger challenge for the future. Actually, a lot of African countries are still struggling to diversify their narrow-based economies.

By Harrison Mumba - Reply
5/31/2017 11:10:00 PM
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