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Global Economic Minute
One would fear that once the World Bank, European Bank and IMF are through ruining Greece, they will surely turn to resource poor countries in Africa and Latin America. One would pose a question. 'Will the BRICS be a better alternative?

By Mulenga Lwansa - Reply
7/30/2015 5:17:00 AM

The "BRICS" aroused a hope a new run-up for a piece of news a geopolitical map of the world, nevertheless the hope is allowed if it continues to innovate and to adapt plans R & D, the benchmark for booster their economy. You will find in my tries(essays) and thesis of doctorate some solutions : A Good Success J-PAL "The Challenges To Fight Global POVERTY" [Kindle Edition} 2] A Good Success J-PAL "The Challenges To Fight Global POVERTY" [Kindle Edition} Regards Dr. Ch. M.Bachir Mbodj

By MBODJ Cheikh Mohamadou Bachir - Reply
9/19/2015 1:22:00 PM

Yes Edward, Whatever their differences, the BRICS countries have a shared desire for a bigger voice in global economic policy, the five countries will unveil their version of the IMF and their Giant Investments centered in the planned global locations

By Jafari Adam - Reply
8/16/2015 2:39:00 AM

Good comment

3/21/2017 8:01:00 AM
Central America is in deep need, in Honduras our currency has been devaluated, the dollar is encrising each day, now if we rent a house we gotta pay in USD when our currency is the Lempira.

By Fredy Daniel Baca Vásquez - Reply
8/10/2015 4:48:00 PM
in my country we always lived under crises, the big problem is that the people are used with that.

By Juliano Fernandes Fragoso Neto - Reply
9/16/2015 6:44:00 AM
Let's take a look at how to solve the problems we are facing. Let's ask what we can do to change our communities. Just as the chinese say "a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step" You are the solution the world is looking for and i believe by empowering the boy or girl out there by sharing knowledge and equiping them with skills to be self-relient and puting in systems and structures to make people share and not hoard, then communities would open up to transformation. Most people are in survival mode without any hope for the future but hope abounds all around if those well placed would stop being selfish and open their arms to the less priviledged. I also expect the less priviledged to stop having a victim mentality and stop expecting governments to hand them benefits but to sit up and ask what they can do to make someone happy.

By Florence Teiko VANDERPUYE - Reply
8/25/2015 8:47:00 AM
no Difference in my Country, Angola has gone under in a matter of months from one of the countries that grew rapidly to the local currency devaluate almost to the double...

10/2/2015 2:11:00 AM
no Difference in my Country, Angola has gone under in a matter of months from one of the countries that grew rapidly to the local currency devaluate almost to the double...

10/2/2015 2:11:00 AM
African countries are already ruined by slave trade, colonization, brain drain, and other aggressive actions from the main powers. African countries economic development can only be revitalized by moving to farming projects and making more products exports than importing it to Africa.

By Ahmed Omar Alasso - Reply
8/9/2015 8:04:00 PM

Where are the farmers!people in African countries believe in politics and politicking as profession to earn their income. Priority is given to political structure to the detriment of the immediate families as a result the known and re-known farmers vacated their farm lands to political offices in search of the immediate returns. Africans were left with Indomie, supergaty and other spy's food imported to their various countries.

By Mohammed Umar - Reply
8/13/2015 11:30:00 PM

we said, unfortunately very few people are seing it that way.They are very slow in comprehending dynamics in mordern world/global economy

6/6/2016 3:45:00 AM

ahmad omar alasow ii waran walale xaged ka dhigataa jaamacada waxan ane bilaabaya jamacadsn thankis

By Abdi Mohamed Warsame - Reply
4/2/2016 10:42:00 AM
The situation in Nigeria is about taking shape as the current administration is fighting corruption to zero level. when the corruption is appropriately managed, the investors will be trooping to the country for investments.The level of unemployment will drastically reduced. Dependency on Dollars will be reduced.

By Mohammed Umar - Reply
8/14/2015 12:27:00 AM
The situation in Nigeria is about taking shape as the current administration is fighting corruption to zero level. when the corruption is appropriately managed, the investors will be trooping to the country for investments.The level of unemployment will drastically reduced. Dependency on Dollars will be reduced.

By Mohammed Umar - Reply
8/14/2015 12:27:00 AM
Yeah, Florence, I agree with you,What can we do because my lovely Country, Ghana is no exception of this crisis.

8/27/2015 8:02:00 AM

Actually, the BRICS are trying to challenge the international economic and political status quo in order to increase their own bank, as well as their role in the global financial and geopolitical scene. The decision by China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa to provide more funds to the New Development Bank than the IMF and World Bank, highlights the BRICS’s determination to hit The IMF, European Central Bank and European Commission. Greece should think before taking his choice on how much different will a western mechanism of financial support than a BRICS , considering its geopolitics interests and what the new Greek government is going to lose and to gain. For African countries and especially my country RWANDA, the strategy relies on wealthy and powerful friends to lure private investment, train a new generation of managers, build a globally competitive economy, and wean the countries off foreign aid. My conviction is that no country can depend on development aid forever, Our President H.E Paul Kagame told "Such dependency dehumanizes us and robs us of our dignity." It may also, of course, make him accountable to people outside Rwanda. If Afican countries are not prepared to take there socio economic development in there own hands and move forward, many African coutries as well as other poor countries can't deserve to make any progress,"

By Felix Mutagoma - Reply
9/22/2015 11:18:00 AM
Zambia is to some extent facing the crisis that DR congo is facing.There is high rate of inflation in the country were to much money is chasing too few goods. This as subjected to to normal rulership due to some of the political cold war in the nation. High fuel prices causing farmers failure to delvers there goods to the market.Henceforth the harvest is lotting in some areas leaving people out of the reach of current commodity on the market. The most determinant factor is political instability how do we survive this terror?

By Chayafya Nkandu - Reply
2/23/2017 10:10:00 PM

Mr Nkandu Liked your comment. Would like to have a bilateral discussion at your convenience. Please call me on phone number +2673641762 during working hours, this week. You may just flash me then I will call you back. Looking forward to hearing from you since we have common interests.

3/21/2017 8:05:00 AM
my name is foday Mohamed Turay from Liberia west africa. I enrolled at AIU on March 17, 2016.Iam doing International Relations as major. I have been finding diffculty in preparing my degree curriculum.Submitting my assignment online was another difficulty task but i have got sufficient knowledge on how to submit my assignment.This is my student ID: 40262BIN48942. It is my ardent wish to pursue and obtain my first degree. This information goes to all my colleagues and your need help. bv fodat mohamed Turay

By Foday Mohamed Turay - Reply
4/8/2017 9:04:00 PM
My name id Tessema B. ( Ph.D.). Africa’s low level of financial integration meant that African economies were relatively isolated from the direct impact of the financial crisis. Thus, Africa found itself shielded from the impact of the 2007 subprime and the summer 2008 banking crises, thereby avoiding the negative effects of a financial crisis that affected the very foundations of international financial markets. African financial systems are dominated by the banking sector, and financial markets are still underdeveloped and even non-existent in many countries. Foreign borrowing by banks is regulated in the context of exchange control and banks face little risk associated with off-balance sheet operations. This largely explains the limited impact on the banking sector in Africa. Most African financial markets were affected by contagion effects, resulting in large losses in value and capital outflows. For Africa’s relatively liquid financial markets (e.g. Egypt and Nigeria) the contagious effect were amplified by pre-crisis stock over-valuation and limited diversification of stocks (African Development Bank 2009).

By Tessema Woldegiorgis - Reply
11/28/2017 3:36:00 AM
The democratic republic of Congo is not spared by this crisis. Especially as the rate of inflation becomes more and more worrying. The economy of the country is affected by political instability and goes from bad to worse. I believe that Greece must stabilize its political situation. In my humble opinion, the most politically unstable countries are the most affected by the monetary crisis. Investors are not the most attracted, so there is no exchange between money and commodity.

By Severin Mbuyu Ngoie Munga - Reply
2/13/2017 11:39:00 PM
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