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water engineering vs Global warming
Hello to the entire academic family ,without wasting time, I like to get into serious business, as a matter of fact,water pollution and global warming are serious issues that need to be tackle before things rely get out of hand.What do we think? Agbor Banabas Taka,

By Takang Banabas Agbor - Reply
5/9/2017 1:25:00 PM

I am Fraidie from Congo. you are absoletely right to focus your attention on water pollution and global warming.They are subjects of utmost importance and have to appear on the aforefront of our daily conversation. In fact, 70% of the earth surface is made of water which a vital resource conditioning life of the living organisms, including human, on earth. The quality of water on earth will determine our fate on earth. Global warming is an alert for human being about the way we are managing the globe in such an unsustainable manner, producing wastes that are detrimental to the earth.

By Maboundou Jean fraidie - Reply
5/2/2018 11:06:00 PM
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