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Current situation in The Democratic Republic Of Congo
One of the great problem we have in DRC is that the economy is not diversify. The entire economy rely on raw materials, that is what the country depend on the move of prices of those minerals. All this shows the lack of vision economicaly speaking. For getting out of this situation, we need a visionary leadership in the economy that will express by strong decision such as the diversification of the economy

By Yannick Nkunda - Reply
5/23/2018 12:25:00 AM
It is true that the political situation in the DRC affects the business climate, but Congo offers all potential investment.

By Mbula Musasa M. Serge Caleb - Reply
3/9/2017 2:35:00 AM

that's true, I support it

2/8/2018 4:52:00 AM

Despite the abundance of resources, the DRC is one of the poorest countries in the world. The country’s official economy has collapsed in the last few decades due to hyperinflation, mismanagement, corruption, war, conflict and general instability, political unrest and crisis and economic breakdown systems. Increase in the spread of diseases including HIV/AIDS which has contributed the overall dilapidation of Congo growth. As the DRC is hit by the global economic downturn, exports (lumber, oil, diamonds and other ores in particular) have declined, whereas the high costs for imports of most basic needs remain unchanged. The consequence is an acute deterioration of the balance of trade and the collapse of foreign investments. The DRC’s foreign debt stands at over billions amounts. By Sisco

3/1/2018 11:31:00 AM
What is the current business situation in DR Congo today respect to the current political situation?

By Roassoum Alexis MOUIDI - Reply
2/22/2017 6:57:00 AM
You can consult the National Agency for the Promotion of Investments

By Mbula Musasa M. Serge Caleb - Reply
3/9/2017 2:21:00 AM
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