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Fantastic John this is a pleasant of applying the very knowledge we are acquiring and putting it to test as we craft strategies and models that will will resolve human relational complexities and challenges. Please keep me posted on this one given that my vision to see Africa become a united continent and engage the global village from a united front vantage point inspires me more than anything else.

By Darlington Isaac Nyika - Reply
7/17/2017 3:30:00 AM
This id timely topic. Would rephrase the topic " International Relation and Geopolitics for International Business?" I would like to participate and learn more.

By Tessema Woldegiorgis - Reply
11/14/2017 11:20:00 PM
Correction to Read> This a timely topic. Would you please rephrase the topic " International Relation and Geopolitics for International Business?" I would like to participate and learn more in this interation. Thanks!

By Tessema Woldegiorgis - Reply
11/15/2017 1:01:00 AM
Correction to Read> This a timely topic. Would you please rephrase the topic " International Relation and Geopolitics for International Business?" I would like to participate and learn more in this interation. Thanks!

By Tessema Woldegiorgis - Reply
11/15/2017 1:02:00 AM
My contribution is as follows: I would say continued existence of poverty cum economic crisis, corruption, ethno-religious factors, bad leadership, non-adherence to the tenets of democracy, boundary disputes and natural resource controls, are among the debilitating factors that breed conflicts in the continent. As a corollary, peace and stability have been negatively impacted upon resulting in stultified growth in development in most countries of Africa. It is therefore our further contention that to overcome these impediments, the capacity prevention, management and resolution should be strengthened through proper training and professionalization of diplomats adapt in negotiation, mediation, arbitration and implementing peace agreements as well as the establishment of early warming information to the appropriate stakeholders.

By Tessema Woldegiorgis - Reply
11/15/2017 1:11:00 AM
Hello All - Can we please discuss about the strategies to apply international relations theories to the conflict resolution/prevention in Africa?

By Ousmane Maiga - Reply
2/7/2017 1:35:00 AM

Dear John, Thank you for the useful thought you suggested. In fact, International relations theories can be used to deal with African crises for they are based on human being as a complex social being.

By Zaine Florent Bertrand - Reply
4/27/2017 4:44:00 AM
I am willing to follow the discussion about that topic.

By Zaine Florent Bertrand - Reply
4/27/2017 4:45:00 AM
Wanna Join the group! you have vey intersting ideas!

By Augustin Uwihanganye - Reply
9/14/2017 4:12:00 PM
Please make correction and read: This is a timely topic.Would you please rephrase the topic " International Relation and Geopolitics for International Business?" I would like to participate and learn more.

By Tessema Woldegiorgis - Reply
11/14/2017 11:22:00 PM
Here is my contribution: Conflict resolution is conceptualized as the methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution. Committed group members attempt to resolve group conflicts by actively communicating information about their conflicting motives or ideologies to the rest of the group (e.g., intentions; reasons for holding certain beliefs), and by engaging in collective negotiation Forsyth, Donelson (R.2009). Dimensions of resolution typically parallel the dimensions of conflict in the way the conflict is processed. Cognitive resolution is the way disputants understand and view the conflict, with beliefs and perspectives and understandings and attitudes. Emotional resolution is in the way disputants feel about a conflict, the emotional energy. Behavioral resolution is how one thinks the disputants act, their behavior (Mayer, Bernard 2012).Ultimately, a wide range of methods and procedures for addressing conflict exist, including negotiation, mediation, mediation-arbitration, diplomacy, and creative peace building. Thanks,

By Tessema Woldegiorgis - Reply
11/21/2017 8:26:00 PM

Hey guys - I read your very striking insights about the conflict resolution strategies. Also, as mentioned in early February, the situation is Africa in more and more devastating, especially for the youth. I think we should do a mind mapping to uncover the possible root causes of this failure in governance, education, national armed forces, and health infrastructure. Then we can discuss what the remedies may be depending on regions and cultures across Africa. We can do so by doing a focus on the sector of SOCIETAL SECURITY promotion. In the end, we may discuss strategies how to better prevent the societal failure thanks to both the Critical and the Constructivist theories in International Relations. If you wish, we can also create a Facebook group to keep up our discussion and reinforce our network. Please let me know what your standpoints are. Many thanks!

By Ousmane Maiga - Reply
11/22/2017 12:20:00 AM
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