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Currency Situation in China
What is the current situation China? business and I heard there has not been any manufacturing etc

By Watisoni Masaunivalu - Reply
8/24/2015 9:47:00 AM

Hello, China has a good opportunity in front of context of the globalization with sound " Silk Road " and " Go Far West"in China with a project of An amount of 4 000 billion investments of project of internationalization, a strategy to invest in the sector public and deprived in the domain. You can look Dr. Ch. M. Bachir Mbodj Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) AIU 2015 Head Chief Division Accountant Teacher Department Suplly Chain At University of Thies Senegal Publisher on Amawon Kindle

By MBODJ Cheikh Mohamadou Bachir - Reply
9/19/2015 12:59:00 PM

China has`nt an opportunity to us in Peru, because China does not include in TPP international program to make an interactive actions, because China has a regressive economic in country of BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, La India, China y South Africa) countries. The TLC is forget because there is a TPP system. It´s englobe the system.
By Julio Aristides Camargo Camacho - Reply
10/13/2016 8:25:00 AM
China still maintain an important role to the world economies which has been seen for many decade.According to a source the china state owned bank has already put nearly 11 billion into Ecuadorean economy but the Ecuadorean are asking for more.

By Baduka Naanee - Reply
9/4/2016 10:08:00 AM
Hello All, I am Sumo JALLAH from Liberia, West Africa. Happy to be part of this group.

By Sumo Jallah - Reply
12/30/2016 1:13:00 PM
China has been strong with YEN currency, putting their country into commerce, trade, and immigrants for tourism, settlements, and business opportunities. My life evolve to their vast marketing products at competitive prices which I was able to buy. The mind set of willingly visitors leave their home country to invest overseas exchange; by economical woes at slashed prices for bidding market at large! Can I wonder if Americans can appear in person to compete the market; because of low populations which host fewer Americans to compete; at that flow of cash analysis rate.

By Matthew Proctor - Reply
9/9/2016 11:24:00 AM
Am Nametsegang Tonkope from Botswana, African. Some African countries are far more behind on research issues, this is really a painful issue as majority don't see the need for research and publications, group mates what's your taking on this.

By Tonkope Nametsegang - Reply
6/6/2017 10:22:00 AM
The Yen has been devaluated several times in the past few weeks. Also there has been many other situations with that countries economy. Please remember to read current news and post about the current situation.

By - Reply
8/25/2015 4:39:00 AM
Hope to be a DBA colleague soon and wondering if anyone has a template for pthesis as this is all I lack. I appreciate any and all help

By John Robinson - Reply
8/12/2016 3:21:00 AM
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